Metacognition: My Poem

While writing my poem, I think that the most important realization came about when I realized that two characters were necessary in poem. The two characters were necessary in order to explain the main character's story. Though originally, only the main, male character was necessary to the story, eventually the female character became involved, and it could be argued that she became just as important. Their stories weren't just to explain the other's anymore, they were both extremely important, and both held their own lesson. It took me a long time to understand this, it was more of a slow realization than an "ahah" moment. This whole thought process came about solely because of having to do a revision, and getting feedback on poem. The decision to add another character came to fruition because of my feedback to make the main character's story further. It's possible that there might have been another way to do thought, but I can't think of one that would keep the integrity of the poem the same, and I really like the way that it turned out.


Anonymous said...

Kyle, your blog post made me really curious to see your poem. What is the story behind the characters? The fact that you needed another character in order to make the message deeper made it all the more interesting- especially since I have no idea what your poem is about. The double-storyline plot is always one of my favorites since both plots enrich the other.

Marika said...

Hey Kylw,

I thought that you made an uber interesting realization. I had the same issue wih my poem and ended up having to give insight from another character's POV, too. :)

It was really great that you brought up your realization as slow as opposed to "ahah". I've always wondered which relaiztions impact our lives more. I guess we'll never know, just like we'll never know if there's a way to keep the integrity of your poem while keeping it to one character.

I hope your poem's going great :)
Sounds amazing!