Carry it Forward: Kite Runner

The idea that I'm going to carry forward from the novel "the Kite Runner" is the theme of the past calling you and bringing you back to atone for your sins. This happens to Amir when Rahim Khan calls him from Afghanistan. You also find out on the first page that this is essentially the theme of the book. Even though he ran away from his demons years ago, Amir still needs to atone for his sins. His past comes back to bight him, almost ruining his "almost" perfect life in the process. He was millions of miles away and he was still caught up in his past. Let's compare this to my "hypothetical life". I go to college and move to Arizona where I make completely new friends, and make a  clean cut from my old life. But, what if one day, my Dad calls and says my Mom is sick with a deadly disease and I need to come back to Northbrook. There, I meet all my old friends, relatives etc. They would know what I did years ago (maybe I killed someone in a drunk car crash) they would know all my ghosts, skeletons in the closet etc. These would exposed to my new life, and all my new friends etc would know my secrets. Whether they would accept them or not is debatable. But my goal in life is to not to have any "dirty little secrets". I plan to live my life to the fullest extent, not doing anything wrong, not derailing anybody's life. I'll try to act safely, and not take any unnecessary risks that endanger the lives of others. Because there are some things that stay with you forever, that you can't run from.